SAFE was founded in 2021 with the goal of championing equity-focused initiatives in Hampton Roads, Virginia. We began by mobilizing the community in support of the Virginia Beach School District’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy, as well as proposed policies to protect the rights of transgender and non-binary students. We also joined with other community leaders and organizations to advocate for the formation of a citizens review board to focus on the issues of policing and social justice in Virginia Beach.

The success of these efforts served to strengthen our commitment to advocating for initiatives that protect and expand equity. SAFE now works to mobilize local communities on a range of issues, and we support candidates who are committed to supporting our mission.


Stand & Advocate For Equity defends our declared American values that all people are created equal; endowed with fundamental rights of life, liberty, and happiness. We unwaveringly stand to counter authoritarian, supremacist, anti-democratic attempts to deny the realization of those fundamental American values for ALL people.


Stand & Advocate For Equity seeks to deliver positive and equitable opportunities to all, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, religion, faith, disability or health status, and socio-economic status.


1. Advocate for Universal Equity, Civil Liberties, and Restorative Justice.

2. Identify & Amplify Equitable Solutions.

3. Magnify Equity Champions.

Join our email list now for news, information, and ways you can get involved!